
When I now click on the lock on the uploaded web page to log in, the message appears that I have to activate JavScript in the browser. Favoured for being easy to use, secure and reliable. Canadian Center for International Justice and Partners (2010) Letter to Federal Ministers of Finance and Justice, available at: /webyep-system/. I have installed and configured the webyep-system for a final test.


This is an record on the CVE List, which provides common identifiers for publicly known cybersecurity vulnerabilities. /var/Stack trace: 0 /var/www/vhosts//httpdocs/index.php(23). WebYep has a small yet passionate community of friendly users worldwide. This was due to a security feature in modern browsers. Now after upgrading our site to just use SSL (https), we found that WebYep continued to work, but when the pop up editor window would show, we would get just a small textbox and all the rich controls weren't shown. Necessarily indicate when this vulnerability wasĭiscovered, shared with the affected vendor, publicly we used WebYep with our old site which was http only. The CVE ID was allocated or reserved, and does not BUGTRAQ:20061009 WebYep Its becoming a popular tool with a lot of freelancers and web design agencies. WebYep - The shiny, tiny Web Content Management System. A good choice if youre building a website entirely from scratch. Note: References are provided for the convenience of the reader to help distinguish between vulnerabilities. Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function setmagicquotesruntime() in /www/htdocs/w00e0dd2/webyep-system/programm/webyep.php:7 Stack trace. Tailwind is a frontend development framework, which makes layout and styling of websites easier.

Webyep code#

Multiple PHP remote file inclusion vulnerabilities in WebYep 1.1.9, when register_globals is enabled, allow remote attackers to execute arbitrary PHP code via the webyep_sIncludePath in (1) files in the programm/lib/ directory including (a) WYApplication.php, (b) WYDocument.php, (c) WYEditor.php, (d) WYElement.php, (e) WYFile.php, (f) WYHTMLTag.php, (g) WYImage.php, (h) WYLanguage.php, (i) WYLink.php, (j) WYPath.php, (k) WYPopupWindowLink.php, (l) WYSelectMenu.php, and (m) WYTextArea.php (2) files in the programm/elements/ directory including (n) WYGalleryElement.php, (o) WYGuestbookElement.php, (p) WYImageElement.php, (q) WYLogonButtonElement.php, (r) WYLongTextElement.php, (s) WYLoopElement.php, (t) WYMenuElement.php, and (u) WYShortTextElement.php and (3) programm/webyep.php.
